Harold Caicedo, president of Consejo Latino, took the podium to note some ‘historic’ moments he recognized at Synod 2022.
First he mentioned a fellow delegate seated at his table, Leo Jonker, who is at synod for the second time—51 years after his first synod. Then Caciedo noted that delegate Evelyn Bennally, from Red Mesa, is the first Native American woman to be ordained as a commissioned pastor. Bennally was welcomed as a commissioned pastor to serve Sanostee (N.M.) CRC. She is a first-time delegate to synod.
The last ‘first’ Caicedo drew attention to was “the first time ever this body elected one member of minorities, one member of Latinos, to be our president.” Jose Rayas is pastor of Valley Ridge Community Church/Missio Dei in Socorro, Texas.
“It’s the first time!” Caicedo said. “Something historical is happening at this synod.”
Synod 2022 is meeting at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Mich., from June 10-16. Find daily coverage from The Banner news team at thebanner.org/synod, download the Banner app on your mobile device, or follow The Banner Magazine on. On Twitter follow or . Synod is the annual general assembly of the Christian Reformed Church (it did not gather in 2020 or 2021). Connect to the meeting’s livestream, read advisory committee reports, and find other resources at .
About the Author
Alissa Vernon is the news editor for The Banner.