As Synod 2019 deliberated changes to the process and form of future synods, the duties of chairing the meeting were picked up in the end by all four officers of synod.
“This is a momentous occasion—the fourth person to chair! And a deacon!” said Melissa Van Dyk, stepping up to the chair.
The president and vice president of Synod 2019 had to step aside because they were involved in the matter being discussed.
First clerk José Rayas took the president’s chair. When one of his rulings was challenged from the floor, Van Dyk took up the gavel.
Once the challenge was resolved, Rayas continued in his chair duties.
During the session, one of the recommendations synod chose not to adopt was a recommendation of not requiring a second clerk at future synods. Instead, Synod 2019 chose to stick with four elected officers—perhaps it was influenced by this year’s need for all four officers to serve (even if briefly) as chair.
Synod 2019 is meeting at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Mich., from June 14-20. For continuous coverage from our award-winning news team, download the Banner app on your mobile device or follow The Banner Magazine on or on Twitter. You can find more tweeting by following hashtag . 㽶Ƶ stories will be posted on The Banner’s dedicated Synod web page several times daily. Unless noted otherwise, all photographs are by Karen Huttenga.
About the Author
Alissa Vernon is the news editor for The Banner.