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Two or three times each year, Christian Reformed churches send representatives to their classis, a regional grouping of churches. Here are the highlights of classis meetings of the past few months.

Those welcomed into ministry in the Christian Reformed Church include seminary graduates Benjamin McKnight, Matthew Pearce, Sheri Leisman, David E. Shin, Joanna Wigboldy, George Keulen.

Ministers transferring in from other denominations were Revs. Chulhan Cho, Man Sub (Lewis) Kim, Faith Lim Goek Keng, Daniel Hong Youn Kim.
Heu Guy (Dave) Park, Peter Stellingwerff, and John Ritsema were declared eligible for call.

Minister released from a congregation: Rev. Yi-Min Kao, from CrossPoint Chinese Church.

Released from ministry in the CRC: Matthew Kim, Edward Kim, Peter Choi.

Commissioned Pastors

Jeff Liou (Classis California South)
Charlie Wang (Classis California South)
Chad Werkhoven (Classis Columbia)
Joel Huyser (Classis Grand Rapids East)

New Ministries and Ministry Changes

An emerging church does not have its own council and is under the care of a council of a neighboring CRC. An organized church has its own council.

Korean New Beginnings of Crosspoint, Chino, Calif., was declared emerging.
CrossWay Church of Battle Ground, Wash., was declared organized.

NexGen changed from emerging status to youth group of Little Saigon CRC in Westminster, Calif.

Cleveland Zion Church was welcomed as an organized congregation in the CRC.

Synod 2018

Classes Illiana and Atlantic Northeast ask Synod 2018 to establish a fund for expenses of immigrant churches affiliating with the CRC and securing pastoral leadership.

Stephenville (Tex.) CRC asks to transfer to Classis Rocky Mountain to better work together with other CRCs located in Texas. Hope Community CRC in Indianapolis, Ind., requests a transfer to Classis Kalamazoo because it seats women as delegates. Peace CRC in Menno, S.D., requests a transfer to Classis Minnkota because it does not seat women as delegates.

Classis Minnkota requests that Synod 2018 clarify that Church Order article 30 allows one classis to appeal to another classis.

Classis Minnkota requests Synod 2018 to ensure agencies of the CRC refrain from political advocacy and revise the mandates of the Office of Social Justice and the Centre for Public Dialogue. Classis Columbia asks Synod 2018 to instruct the agencies and ministries of the Christian Reformed Church to stop political lobbying on behalf of the CRCNA.

Classis British Columbia South East asks Synod 2018 to encourage discussion and education focused on the biblical principles for public discipleship, including political discipleship, and that the executive director monitor progress made and report to Synod 2019.

Classis Niagara asks synod to establish an annual compensation survey for commissioned pastors and a defined contribution pension plan for commissioned pastors.

Classis Huron requests a standing translation committee to report to synod regarding Bible translations.

Classis Huron asks Synod 2018 to approve a one-time ministry share increase of $150,000 to fund approved curricula solutions, clarify the mandate of Faith Formation Ministries to include development of Reformed curricula, and clarify expectations for denominational funding of that.

Classis Zeeland requests that the CRC honor the Synod of Dort and teach its main points of doctrine in 2019.

*Full overtures will be included in the Agenda for Synod 2018.

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