in Pella, Iowa, was the first CRC west of the Mississippi River, a fact that was noted when the church recently celebrated its 150th anniversary.
The church’s weeklong celebration focused on God’s faithfulness. Former pastors Jeff Sajdak and Harvey Brink led services. A service in a nearby park was led by current pastor Brad Meinders.
Celebrations also included a barbecue supper in the park with activities for all ages.
Brink, First CRC’s 24th pastor, led both services on August 28. The evening service included a balcony band and a bell choir. The evening service ended with the playing of the “Hallelujah Chorus.”
“I am in awe of how God faithfully maintains the church he plants,” said Meinders. “He planted [this church] in a different time and culture and has her still present today for the purpose of people being transformed by Jesus so that they are leading people to him!”
About the Author
Kyle Hoogendoorn is a freelance news correspondent for The Banner. He lives in Rock Valley, Iowa.