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Rev. Ik Chang, 87, was a gentle husband and a wise mentor to many fellow pastors and  colleagues.

Chang graduated from Chong Shin Seminary in Korea in 1955 and earned a Th.D. in 1984 at Southern California Theological Seminary. He served as a pastor and chaplain. Chang was general secretary of Christian Campus Crusade of Korea (KCCC) and led one of the big revival crusades in Korea as a lead secretary. He was also a mission director for a Korean Presbyterian denomination.

In the U.S., Chang served many Korean churches and was one of the Christian Reformed Church’s pioneer Korean pastors. After retirement, he continued to serve Springing Fountain Korean CRC in Anaheim. He also authored a book called Togetherness Life.

Many of the younger Korean CRC pastors said that Rev. Chang was always gentle, wise, and deeply devoted to the Lord and to his family and friends. Rev. Paul Im, a clerk of Classis Hanmi (a regional group of CRCs), said, “Rev. Chang always encouraged young pastors in positive ways and was a wise mentor for churches in Korea and the U.S.â€

Chang passed away on June 26 from pneumonia. He is survived by his wife, Whaik, and several children.

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