in San Diego, Calif. is rebuilding a connection first made 25 years ago with a Chinese student ministry from San Diego State University (SDSU).
As a young student, Tony Wen accepted Christ at a Chinese Bible study held at what was then San Diego CRC. When he graduated from seminary in 2012, God moved him to restart the group at SDSU. As the ministry grew, Wen approached the renamed Living Faith CRC to rent the space needed for what had now become Fresh Wind Chinese Church.
“It is an amazing story of God's grace and how our church planted a seed a long time ago and what God is doing now,” said Cyndi Boss of Living Faith CRC. “God used Tony so many years ago and then led him back to our church with these young people.”
Living Faith CRC now hosts several Bible studies and a Sunday service for the 75 members of Fresh Wind Chinese Church, who are mainly exchange students from Taiwan and China. But they have moved beyond being just a landlord. They also hold a joint service and fellowship lunch once a month. CRC members have volunteered to help with English language tutoring, while the students have taught some local women how to make Chinese dumplings.
“Living Faith Community Church has been graciously embracing us with God's love and letting us use their facility. With their prayers, support and help, the Chinese ministries continue to grow,” said Wen. Wen also explained that joining together for worship services and other events has brought the two churches together. “We are God's family,” he said.
About the Author
Tracey Yan is the Banner's regional news correspondent for classes British Columbia North-west and British Columbia South-east.