At its meeting in May, the Board of Trustees of the Christian Reformed Church approved a recommendation to Synod 2014 to increase denominational ministry shares by 1 percent, to $336.12.
The board elected new officers for the 2014-2015 year. For Canada Corporation, Kathy Vandergrift returns as chair. Trevor Vanderveen will be vice president and Garry Sytsma will be secretary.
On the U.S. side, Scott Greenway was elected president, Chris Van Spronsen vice president, and Ken Baker vice-all.
Kathy Vandergift was elected president of the binational board, with Scott Greenway as vice president, and Trevor Vanderveen as vice-all.
The board also interviewed and appointed , subject to ratification by Synod 2014.
The board approved a leadership succession plan that will be implemented subject to the appointment by Synod 2014 of
The current executive director, Rev. Joel Boot, will be full-time interim director of ministries and administration until March 2015.
Rev. Peter Borgdorff will be special advisor to the executive director and ecumenical relationships coordinator in a less than half-time position until March 2015.
The board also spent time studying reports from the and the .
About the Author
Gayla Postma retired as news editor for The Banner in 2020.