When members of in Chino, Calif., realized how many people lacked a basic knowledge of the Bible, they decided to help remedy that problem by opening last fall.
“The mission of the institute is to present the Word of God in its fullness, which would then lead us, as disciples, to acts of service,” said Bryan Vander Tuig, a pastor at CrossPoint CRC and one of the teachers at the institute.
“We live in a time of great Bible illiteracy,” added Danell Czarnecki, the church’s director of ministries. “The institute hopes to give those who attend a bigger and deeper understanding of Scripture.”
The three-year, non-accredited program covers the Old and New Testaments, spiritual disciplines and Reformed distinctives, and ministry leadership as well as outreach skills. Thirty-seven people completed the first year of the program.
“It has been a great joy to see how God has used the institute, both in our church and in the broader community . . . and to watch both long-time and new believers devour God’s Word,” Vander Tuig said.
Mark Vanderzee is one of the students. “My participation in the Bible institute has renewed my passion for the Word of God, deepened my love for our patient and faithful Father, and inspired me to continue to serve him in furthering his kingdom here on earth,” he said.
Fellow classmate Ken Czarnecki agreed. “Attending the Bible institute has been a great experience. Walking through the Old Testament book by book helped link the greatness of God’s story in new and exciting ways.”
Courses at the institute will begin again in the fall.
About the Author
Tracey Yan is the Banner's regional news correspondent for classes British Columbia North-west and British Columbia South-east.