It may not be snowing on Canada’s west coast, but there is certainly a flurry of learning opportunities for church members during the winter months. A wide variety of topics will be covered in a number of different British Columbia churches.
in Surrey will be capping off a sermon series on family life with a one-day conference on faith formation on March 1. Calvin College professor Robert Keeley will address the issue of how faith develops in our children and how we can shape our homes and church ministries to help this process. “We hope that through all this we’ll strengthen our families and help our children grow up in faith,” explained Tom Bomhof, pastor of Fleetwood CRC.
Fleetwood CRC is also holding a series of talks on Sunday evenings with professor Iain Provan of Vancouver’s . The topic “Seriously Dangerous Religion: What the Old Testament Really Says and Why It Matters,” focuses on the book of Genesis and counters modern misinterpretations of the biblical text. “We thought [this topic] might have a wider interest, so we sent out invitations to the area churches,” Bomhof said.
For those interested in social justice issues, in Abbotsford will be hosting a live simulcast of The Justice Conference being held in Los Angeles, Calif., on February 21-22. The Justice Conference is one of the largest biblical and social justice conferences in the world. This year it will feature Dr. Bernice King, daughter of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and New Testament scholar N.T. Wright.
And as British Columbians prepare for spring’s arrival, in Langley will play host to representatives from across the province at a regional prayer summit on March 3-4.
About the Author
Tracey Yan is the Banner's regional news correspondent for classes British Columbia North-west and British Columbia South-east.