Synod 2012 approved a ministry shares amount of $326.26 per member for 2013. Ministry shares funds are used to support shared ministries of the Christian Reformed Church.
The approved ministry shares amount represents a 3 percent increase from 2012. Most of the increase is intended to go to Faith Alive Christian Resources, the publishing arm of the CRC.
Synod also approved the locations for synod for the next two years.
Synod 2013 will meet June 7-14 at Calvin College in Grand Rapids (Mich.), with Roosevelt Park CRC serving as the convening church.
Delegates voted to begin synods on Friday, which provides a natural break with a day of “rest” falling between the scheduled two days of advisory committee meetings and the start-up of full plenary sessions.
Synod 2014 will convene at Central College in Pella, Iowa, accepting the invitation from the Reformed Church in America to meet simultaneously with its synod and to participate in joint sessions. Joel Boot, executive director of the CRC, said joint sessions would likely include worship and discussion of issues common to both denominations.
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About the Author
Jeff Arnold is the ԲԱ’s regional news correspondent for classes Kalamazoo and Lake Erie.