Spanish, French, Korean, Dutch, and English were all heard at the multi-church Pentecost service held in Ottawa, Ontario.
For some time, has been sharing its facilities with Viva Roca church and a French-speaking church. This year they held a combined service for the first time, and it was a joyous occasion. Living Hope CRC of Metcalfe (Ontario) also participated.
Worshipers sang songs in five languages, and the pastors read Scripture in their own native languages. The congregation shared the Lord’s Supper together and witnessed the professions of faith of four new members of Calvary.
Sarah Cook, a long-time member of Calvary, said the service made the biblical account of Pentecost in the book of Acts more concrete when she could hear and see that God brings together people of diverse languages and cultures.
“The singing was like never before!” she said.
About the Author
Brenda Visser is the Banner's regional news correspondent for classis Eastern Canada.