The men return to camp weary, worn, exhausted. Grinning from ear to ear, they come on foot, by bike, or by Jeep. Each year they come from Colorado to experience community in Moab, Utah.
Colorado men retreat in Moab, Utah
Hosted by in Fort Collins, Colo., the group also includes men from in Boulder, and in Colorado Springs. They have been retreating together for 14 years.
During the day, the men hike, bike, fish, or four-wheel. Each morning and evening they gather together to cook a meal, share their faith, and enjoy fellowship.
“When I see a group of guys come back from a day of hiking, Jeeping, or mountain biking, they are usually dirty. Some are skinned up a bit; all are fatigued from pushing themselves on the trail. They have the look of exhilaration, and then I think, ‘This could just as well be a group of men who are returning from another day of living the demanding, often costly, but always rewarding life of a follower of Jesus Christ,’” said Terpstra, pastor of Immanuel.
Doyle Baker, of Cragmor, enjoyed the weekend. “It’s a good weekend in a really spectacular setting, and it’s a lot of fun.”
About the Author
Sarah Boonstra is the Banner's regional news correspondent for classes Rocky Mountain and Yellowstone.