between a local Texas church and a church in Katmandu, Nepal, has inspired members of the local church.
Rev. Andy Sytsma (left) and Pastor Krishna Pariyar of Feet Ministry in Nepal.
Five years ago, a partnership began between in Spring, Texas, and Feet Ministry in Nepal. A formal sister church relationship was established a few years later, and the churches continue to encourage one another and provide financial and prayer support.
“It’s not a project,” said Rev. Andy Sytsma. “We’re sister churches. We pray for each other, we support each other, and we visit each other as we’re able to.”
Sytsma recently visited the church in Nepal and was moved by his experience. “I got more inspired for prayer, relying on the Holy Spirit, being aggressive in your faith and taking risks,” said Sytsma. “We saw God moving in incredible ways. In 10 years, that church has started almost 10 churches and spun off three orphanages. They’ve started a Bible training school for evangelists to spread the Word and do discipleship. They’re going to all the parts of the country that don’t know Jesus.”
Sytsma traveled to Nepal with Randy Wester, an elder at New Life. Together they spent time with with Krishna Pariyar, pastor of Feet Ministry. “He is out amongst the people, interacting with people at every opportunity to open doors and share the gospel” reflected Wester. “He has a real missional way of living; bringing the gospel with him wherever he goes.”
While Sytsma and Wester were in Nepal, they participated in a few local services. Sytsma described one such service. “We rolled into one village, broke out the generator, showed a Jesus film to three or four hundred people with a Hindu background who had never heard the gospel. About 30 of them came up for prayer,” he said.
“What did we learn from that?” asked Wester. “You don’t need a big budget to go out and share the gospel. Make connections, invite people, and let the Holy Spirit work.”
About the Author
Sarah Boonstra is the Banner's regional news correspondent for classes Rocky Mountain and Yellowstone.