Brian Frederick, a chemistry professor at the University of Maine, received the 2011 Outstanding Research and Creative Achievement Award from the University of Maine in Orono. The award is granted to a faculty member who has made a significant contribution to the university.
Brian Frederick in his lab at the University of Maine
Mike Mardosa
Frederick, a member of in Bangor, Maine, is dedicated to preserving and respecting the environment.
As a Christian, he believes human beings are stewards of the earth and that as good stewards we need to replace coal and petroleum as fuels. Currently he is working on ways to convert wood, a renewable resource, into fuels like gasoline, which will reduce our dependence on foreign oil and the effects of global warming.
As a professor and teacher, Frederick said he sees his major role as helping his students gain confidence, develop their gifts, and discover how their talents can contribute to solving problems in society.
One of his chemistry students commented, “I couldn't have had a better professor. [He] took the time and effort to make sure that if I worked hard, I would succeed in this course. This quality is rare to find in a professor.â€
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