Rev. David Vroege, pastor of in Halifax, Nova Scotia, might be the only active CRC pastor who does not own his own car. Instead, for more than a year Vroege has taken part in a car-share arrangement.
He and his family live in the heart of the city, close to their church and other amenities.
They found that they were increasingly choosing to walk, bike, or bus, so they decided to forgo their car when the lease came up for renewal.
Vroege had also been making contact with a local entrepreneur who was launching a car-share business around the corner from the church.
The Vroeges felt like this was a great way to accomplish many of their ideals: care for creation, good physical care, meeting the neighbors, stewardly use of money, and setting an example for others. So they decided to try it.
They have never looked back.
To car-share, the Vroeges pay an annual fee of about $200 and a per-hour fee when they’re using a vehicle. The company covers all insurance, repairs, and gas. They can book a vehicle three months or three minutes in advance, for a weekend or a day.
Vroege’s son, Lian, thinks it is “pretty neat” that they get to drive different cars all the time. But the biggest advantage of being a no-car family is one that Vroege is passionate about: talking to people.
He said, “Being on foot in the city so much is a great way to meet people—a pretty essential part of following Jesus! I can’t walk more than a few blocks without seeing someone in the community I know.”
About the Author
Brenda Visser is the Banner's regional news correspondent for classis Eastern Canada.