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Synod 2010 approved a guiding principle that moves the denomination toward opening the Lordā€™s Table to younger baptized members who havenā€™t yet made a public profession of faith.

Current church policy requires a formal profession of faith in some form before participation in communion.

Formal proposals to change the Church Order allowing this change are expected to come to Synod 2011.

The principle approved by this yearā€™s synod states that all baptized members who come with age- and ability-appropriate faith in Jesus Christ are welcome to the Lordā€™s Supper, under the supervision of the elders. It came to synod from the denominationā€™s Faith Formation Committee as part of a wide-ranging study of faith formation issues.

Formal public profession of faith is a vital faith formation practice and one pastoral approach to consider, the principle says, but is not required by Scripture or the confessions as a condition of participation in communion.

Several requests came to synod asking that Synod 2010  reject or withhold action on the Faith Formation Committeeā€™s recommendation, contending that children lack the capacity for self-examination required for proper participation in the Lordā€™s Supper, but synod did not accept those requests.

Elder Paul LaGrand, Grand Rapids South, did point out that it is important not to devalue the importance of public profession of faith.

Synod did not give permission to implement the practice immediatelyā€”and delegates debated whether churches should have to wait for formal changes in Church Order before changing their communion practices.

Rev. George Vander Weit, elder delegate from Classis Lake Erie, said churches that are ready to welcome children to the Lordā€™s Supper should not have to wait for another synod to act on a principle that Synod 2010 has already approved.

ā€œSynod often slows the church down,ā€ Vander Weit said. ā€œNow synod is saying ā€˜stopā€™ again.ā€

Elder Tim Miedema, Classis Zeeland, said waiting for final synod approval is importantā€”and not following Church Order will lead to confusion.

ā€œWe are a body of churches,ā€ he said, ā€œand in an age of congregationalism, if we donā€™t follow Church Order, thatā€™s what we have.ā€

The Faith Formation Committee will propose appropriate Church Order changes and work with church agencies to develop pastoral resources for congregations.

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