Synod 2006 saw the unveiling of a painting commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Christian Reformed Church, which will take place in 2007.
Retired Calvin College art professor Chris Stoffel Overvoorde was commissioned to do the painting. In the background the painting depicts the Dutch leaders who founded the CRC and in the foreground shows the ethnic diversity of the denomination today. The original painting will be displayed in the atrium of the denominational building in Grand Rapids, Mich., while the CRC’s Burlington, Ontario, office will display a replica. Prints of the painting will be available for purchase—ordering information will be sent to all the churches and will be advertised in The Banner.
The theme of the church’s yearlong anniversary celebration is “Grace Through Every Generation: Remembering, Rejoicing, Rededicating.” Megan DeBoer and Linda Lanning won the logo contest, and the anniversary committee will soon announce the winner of the anniversary hymn contest.
Next year’s synodical service of prayer and praise will be held in Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Mich. The Banner will devote at least one page per monthly issue to anniversary themes, and bus tours will be held throughout Canada and the United States to places historically important to the CRC.
Updates on celebration plans will be posted on the denomination’s website: .