Approving and welcoming new candidates for ordained ministry in the CRC is always a highlight of synod, and this year was no different.
Forty-eight new candidates were declared eligible for call.
Rev. Duane Kelderman, vice president of administration at Calvin Theological Seminary, told the candidates, “Your calling is one of the most fulfilling out there. You have a front-row seat on the mission of God. How much better can it get?”
An additional 18 ministers joined the CRC from 12 other denominations, while 13 individuals had their candidacy eligibility extended.
“Love the church more than you love your own dreams for the church,” Kelderman challenged them. “You can commit a multitude of clerical sins, but your church will forgive you when they know that you love them.”
About the Author
Dan Postma is an occasional reporter for The Banner.