After Hurricane Felix roared through the eastern Nicaragua coastline in September, the
Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, with Nicaraguan partner Acción Médica Cristiana, swung into action.
People in the affected areas are being provided with food, water, and sanitation and roofing supplies. In some outlying coastal villages, the destruction was nearly total.
The Nicaraguan government estimates that 39 people were killed and more than 5,500 homes destroyed, with 35,000 of the nation’s poorest residents along the Miskito coast the most affected.
David and Wendy VanKlinken work for Partners Worldwide at the Nehemiah Center in Managua, along with CRWRC. “Locally, we are collecting food, water, clothing, and blankets in Managua, and [internationally] we are working with collaborating organizations to raise awareness of the needs and to secure funding and medical supplies,” they reported.
CRWRC immediately secured $20,000 for the first-phase response. A second phase will involve agriculture production rehabilitation, since Felix struck at the peak of the rice harvest. The rice in the fields and a good part of what was already harvested was lost.
To contribute financially to CRWRC’s Hurricane Felix response in Nicaragua, go to and choose “Hurricane Felix” on the donations page, or call 1-800-55-CRWRC to give a charge card donation. All donations are tax deductible.