Songwriter Laura Marling has been on an interesting spiritual trajectory.
Mixed Media
Reviews of books, movies, music, television, websites, and more, looking at the world of arts and entertainment from a Reformed perspective. To submit a review, click here.
is what every cont
Do you have a young explorer in your midst, someone who dreams of faraway places?
Life in a Day
reviewed by Ron VandenBurgEnlisted by producer Ridley Scott and National Geographic, amateur videographers in over 190 countries captured moments of everyday li
What were your favorite movies of 2011?
What happens when an Austen favorite meets a modern master storyteller? A classic whodunit is born. Mystery replaces romance in P.D.
Gungor’s music is hard to categorize. It is experimental. It is beautiful.
In 1946, Viola Desmond was jailed in Nova Scotia, Canada, when she sat in the front of a theater instead of in the segregated “c
What were your favorite movies of 2011?
The Way
reviewed by Jenny deGrootReleased in movie theaters this past fall, takes viewers down the ancient p
What Banner reviewers thought of some of the films of 2011.
How shall we then eat?
The Interrupters
reviewed by Josh LarsenThe year’s most moving moment of cinematic grace was a real-life one.
Joyful Noise
reviewed by Kristy QuistSister Act meets “Glee” in a mess of a movie.
reviewed by Sandy SwartzentruberListmakers will love —an online bulletin board that puts a creative new spin on org
reviewed by Kristy QuistBilly Beane endured a disappointing career as a Major League Baseball player, only to move into a career as the general manager of one
So you got a new phone for Christmas? Make the most of it.
Maybe you have heard about a starring French ac
In England during the 1950s, teens Janie and Benjamin must use ancient natural recipes in order to concoct brews that will help them s
One of the best gifts I received this past year was Josh Garrels’s free album
Midnight in Paris
reviewed by Otto Sellesis Woody Allen’s love letter to t
Ten-year-old Enaiatollah Akbari and his mother fled from Afghanistan to Pakistan because of threats to sell the boy into slavery.
Bret Lott is an author and a Christian.