Alisa Childers—former member of the CCM group ZOEgirl, podcaster, and blogger—offers readers a well-researched primer on historic Christianity, prompted by her own crisis of faith. She was asked to join an exclusive discussion group led by her pastor, “a brilliant communicator, and he had a bone to pick with Christianity.” He examined, or “deconstructed” the tenets of the faith including the virgin birth of Jesus, his resurrection, the atonement, inerrant Scripture, the existence of hell, and more. This led to Childers beginning her own research program of reading books and blogs, listening to podcasts, and auditing seminary classes to discover what she believed and then why she truly believed in historic Christianity. She calls her book “my account of reconstructing my faith.” She addresses all the key issues listed above, as well as skirmishes with some of the leading voices in progressive Christianity including Nadia Bolz-Weber, the late Rachel Held Evans, Jen Hatmaker, Sarah Bessey, Brian MacLaren, and Rob Bell. is a great place to start your own study of historic Christianity. As Childers says, “We don’t get to completely redefine who God is and how he works in the world and call it Christian. … Our only option is to do it his way or not at all. He is love. His name is truth. His gospel is bloody. His way is beautiful. For God so loved the world.” (Tyndale Momentum)
About the Author
Ann Byle is author of Chicken Scratch: Lessons on Living Creatively from a Flock of Hens. She is a freelance writer and author of several other books, magazine articles, and reviews. She lives in Grand Rapids, Mich.