The band 㽶Ƶboys welcomed back former members Peter Furler and Phil Joel to offer a powerhouse new recording titled “United.” Furler, who was the lead vocalist of the band from 1997 to 2009, co-produced the record and wrote four of the songs. “United” has a 1990s 㽶Ƶboys feel to it with driving pop sounds mixed with a few ballads. Furler and present 㽶Ƶboys lead singer, Michael Tait, share lead vocals on the 10 songs and their voices blend well. Highlights include the first radio single, “Greatness of Our God,” a triumphant worship piece, the ballad “Beautiful Story,” which talks about God writing each person’s life journey, and “Fearless,” a declaration that God is for believers and takes care of them. A deluxe version is also available and features remixes, a new song “Rejoice,” and an interview with Furler and Tait. This record has the potential to be one of the year’s best and hopefully the beginning of many more offerings from the now-blended supergroup. (Platinum Pop)
About the Author
Paul Delger is a long time professional writer and inspirational speaker to young people and lives in Kanawha, Iowa.