Jackie Hill Perry is a rapper, writer, preacher, and poet who uses all these abilities on her second release, . The music is serious rap with thoughtful and poignant lyrics taking the listener along on Perry’s spiritual and artistic journey. In the song “Maranatha,” she raps:
How long I gotta be afraid?
How long I gotta wrestle with my ways?
How long I gotta wait for you to save?
Some family doesn't even know your name
I'm handling the blasphemy with grace
While standing on they grave.
“Our lives should be a constant crescendo,” Perry said in her press release. “We should be growing in our love for God and our neighbor. This is really a story about what it’s like to grow.”
Perry grew up with gospel music and pays her respect to the genre. She includes the song “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus” and later alludes to James Cleveland’s “I Don’t Feel No Ways Tired” with her own “No Ways Tired.” This artistic achievement deserves an audience. (Fair Trade)
About the Author
Paul Delger is a long time professional writer and inspirational speaker to young people and lives in Kanawha, Iowa.