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Throughout the Fleet Foxesā€™ discography, frontman Robin Pecknoldā€™s voice and the warm harmonies itā€™s presented with have always felt comforting. No matter how dark the subject matter or chaotic the music, his sunny-day tenor has always been there as a companion for listeners.

That makes the opening moments on ā€”the bandā€™s first release in six yearsā€”extra potent. Pecknold enters with little more than a croak, as if he is singing well below his comfortable range. Accompanied by a meager classical guitar, a barely audible and completely unconvincing statement introduces the album: ā€œIā€™m all that I need.ā€

This isolation doesnā€™t last long. Like a curtain flung wide open, the bandā€™s signature flare of propulsive folk-rockā€”once again led by Pecknoldā€™s tenorā€”sweeps in to illuminate the lonesome introduction.
The album art depicts a coast with an intense distinction between the dark, jagged shoreline and the cool green of the ocean. This is the mode in which the album works: contrasts.

As in its opening moments, the tone of Crack-Up is likely to change without warning. From stripped-down or messy passages to assured and soaring movements marked by full instrumentation and Beach Boys-inspired harmonies, the entire run time of Crack-Up is a there-and-back-again story from the insular to the communal, from the clamorous to the serene.

Crack-Upā€™s biggest power is in the jolt; moments like the triumphal entry of ā€œThird Of May/Ōdaigaharaā€ or the transition in the middle of ā€œOn Another Ocean (January/July),ā€ the listener doesnā€™t know just how good the Fleet Foxesā€™ maximalist blend of sound is until itā€™s gone. And then here. And then gone again.

There is yet another contrast depicted on the album artwork: past the rocky shore and across the tossing ocean, far out on the horizon, there is a promising golden patch of skyline not yet swallowed by dark clouds. The final song and namesake of the album works up to what sounds like this clearing in the sky; with regal horns and ethereal, swirling vocals, Crack-Up ends with the push-pull pattern finally broken.

Fleet Foxes has created a sprawling and ambitious album that uses both music and words as metaphor to bring to life a narrative of struggle, perseverance, and restoration; a series of contrasts finally made right by one final, transcendent revelation. The last thing the listener hears is footsteps on a stairwell; perhaps that lonely voice in the beginning has had a change of heart. (Nonesuch)

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