Everywhere we look, no matter the time of year, the wonders of creation remind us that God is always near.
Beginning in the summer of 2024, Calvin University will pilot a free academic transition program called Wayfinder in the 49507 area.
A new faith-based series explores the challenges of a female paleontologist in Wyoming Territory of the late 1800s.
A Belmont University professor in Nashville has a particular interest in exploring what is happening in contemporary worship.
성경의 명확성(clarity of Scripture)에 대한 개혁주의 교리는 구원에 필요한 것이 성경에 분명하게 기록되어 있다고 가르칩니다. 성경의 모든 내용이 분명하고 이해하기 쉽다고 가르치는 것이 아닙니다.
Christian, oh Christian … What lies are you believing?
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
Our telescopes create more questions than answers. But they certainly elicit a response.
The 10 most-accessed articles on thebanner.org between January and December 2023, in order of most views to fewer. For links and 15 more of our most popular articles from the past year, visit thebanner.org/2023-top-25.
I learned a lesson recently: the art of asking, in the face of seemingly impossible obstacles, “What can I do?” This takes my focus from the barriers to what is possible.
The Reformed Church of America’s Commission on Christian Unity meeting with a delegation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in October included CRC pastor Anthony Elenbaas.
Immanuel Christian Reformed Church in Cornwall, Ont., began sponsoring refugee families in 2015 and has grown organically through those connections.
In Memoriam: Rev. Jerry L. Alferink
1945-2023Described as compassionate, affectionate, and generous, Jerry Alferink was a pastor and chaplain who loved preaching. He died Dec. 29 at age 78.
Becky Kennedy, wildly popular parenting expert and creator of @drbeckyatgoodinside, shares her groundbreaking approach to raising kids.
Inspired by true events, when a handshake deal goes sour, funeral home owner Jeremiah O’Keefe (Tommy Lee Jones) enlists charismatic, smooth-talking attorney Willie E. Gary (Jamie Foxx) to save his family business
A book for the tiniest ones all about being grateful, based on Psalm 92—from the team that brought you the bestselling Jesus Storybook Bible.
감사는 하나님 나라를 섬기는 일차적이고 기본적인 자세입니다. 하지만 그렇다고 해서 그것이 쉬울 것이라는 뜻은 아닙니다.
Jason Gray releases a vulnerable album about human frailty and God’s love.
In her second work of fiction, biblical scholar Paula Gooder tells Lydia's story—who she was, the life she lived and her first-century faith—and in doing so opens up Paul's letter to the Philippians.
God designed water to be a super dissolver! In fact, scientists call water a “universal solvent” because it can dissolve more things than any other kind of natural liquid.
They Disagreed Well
What the CRC Can Learn From a Standout Synodical CommitteeCommittee 7 gave me a glimpse into a beautiful church: the Christian Reformed Church. These are people who hold a high view of Scripture and the confessions. These are people who love Jesus. They recognized that they have often failed to love as Jesus has called them to love, and by God’s grace they want to do better.
Purity seems to have been reduced to something optional in our modern idea of Christianity. But is it?
When I was first preparing to adopt 14 years ago, I cherished the idea that love was what was most needed. My heart fought back when the instructor of our pre-adoption classes warned that love is not enough.
Sean Nemecek takes Christian leaders on a journey from burnout through recovery and on to spiritual transformation.