“When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious,
The Netflix sensation about an orphaned prodigy on her rise to becoming the world's greatest chess player while struggling with drug and alcohol dependency.
A riveting debut novel about a family escaping Czechoslovakia after the 1948 Communist takeover—based on the author's own family history.
A weekly podcast talk show features serious talks about the sacred book. Hosted by Peter Enns and Jared Byas.
Campus ministers serving universities through the COVID-19 pandemic have an opportunity to share hope in meaningful ways with a world asking a lot of questions.
A grassroots group of “former, current, and non-Methodist faith leaders” has announced the formation of an inclusive collaboration, the Liberation Methodist Connexion, or LMX.
The change was slow at first, almost imperceptible. Small and surmountable things showed up, but no one could quite put their finger on what those things were.
The U.S. Department of Labor has issued a new rule intended to foster “full and equal participation” of religious groups as federal contractors.
The U.S. State Department added Nigeria to its list of countries deemed to have the most egregious violations of religious freedom. Nine other nations were also listed as countries of particular concern.
It is possible the in-person Inspire 2021 gathering could be postponed or canceled because of COVID-19.
Stories about the spread of Christian ministry in tough places in a pre-Christian world should give us hope that God will continue to work through us to reach others and change lives.
The Canadian Council of Churches, the Canadian Interfaith Conversation, and the Canadian Multifaith Federation co-hosted a discussion Dec. 3, welcoming Justin Trudeau to talk about the value of faith communities in a time of pandemic.
A man and his teenage daughter encounter nonstop danger while searching for valuable gems on an alien moon.
From a harrowing documentary to a silly rom com, here are five things to stream when you are looking for something to watch with your tweens to teens.
Two or three times each year, Christian Reformed churches send representatives to their classis, a regional group of churches. Here is the report of classis meetings of the past few months.
Some Christian colleges and universities are reporting record enrollment this past term, despite delivering education in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Many of us have spent a lot of time at home this year: working from home, learning from home, and just plain staying home.
저는 기독교인들이 “동방박사”이야기가 갖는 급진적인 의미를 충분히 깊게 묵상하지 않은 것 같습니다.
Pulitzer Prize winner Isabel Wilkerson gives us a masterful portrait of how America today and throughout its history has been shaped by a rigid hierarchy of human rankings.
A savvy podcast helps Christian creatives communicate well.
A CRC author debuts her first children’s book about the high value of each one of us.
This October the Christian Reformed Church’s Council of Delegates endorsed a definition of church planting and the implementation of three church-planting strategies proposed by the Collaborative Church Planters Team. Church planters say it’s a good step.
In Ontario and in British Columbia, Friendship Ministry groups—those designed to bring friendship to adults of varying abilities—have made special connections despite pandemic gathering restrictions.