Over the course of two nights, Lief presented two talks: “Immigration, Human Dignity, and the Image of God” and “Love God, Honor the Emperor.”
Spurred by a personal relationship with a homeless man who became her co-author, Cathy A. Small takes a compelling look at what it means and what it takes to be homeless.
Readers 8 to 12 encounter amazing and unique role models from both history and today.
Darrel L. Delaney’s “10 Things to Give Up For Lent That Aren’t Diet Coke” and nine other popular articles from the past 12 months. Thanks for reading!
As a Reformed Christian, I cling to the unconditionality of God’s grace, by which my sins are forgiven.
Over my 25 years in ministry, I’ve become increasingly concerned about narcissism in the church. About five years ago, I decided it was time for a serious conversation.
A rock perched on a cliff has lots of potential energy, as does a spring that is tightly wound.
Loving our neighbors means prioritizing the wellbeing of others over our own interests, regardless of the social gap between us.
What do I say to young adults in my family when they say they have left the church because they were hurt by the church?
Worship vocal group Passion, featuring Kristian Stanfill, David Crowder and others, present a stirring first Christmas album.
Soothing album explores the anticipation of Advent, the joy of Christmas, and the expectant hope of Jesus's return
A joyous and celebratory collection of Christmas songs that encompass the excitement and beauty of the season.
A beautiful and joyous Christmas read-aloud for you and your little ones.
Five local churches in Exeter, Ont., shared the story of Christ’s birth in an outdoor, drive-thru style setting. Exeter Christian Reformed Church was the final stop.
In a December year in review, the online Bible search and reading tool describes four main themes revealed in its users’ searches.
As a middle-Eastern Jewish carpenter living on the road, Jesus certainly wasn't the light-skinned, rosy-cheeked man with kempt, flowing, brown locks traipsing through the pages of my childhood Bible.
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Experts suggest that loaded language can make us react to emotional stimuli instead of taking the time to fully read and understand what has been said.
Michael Tait’s big sister goes solo on a richly sung Christmas album.
Author, speaker, and SHE-E-O Jordan Dooley invites you into your own story of confidence, intentionality, wisdom, and drive.
From the creators of the bestselling The Jesus Storybook Bible comes a beautifully illustrated picture book perfect for celebrating the miracle of Jesus’ birth.
Earl Marlink, pastor and interim ministry specialist, lived a life embodying 1 Corinthians 15:58: “Always abounding in the work of the Lord.” Marlink died Nov. 19.
Approachable and kind, Kiwoong Kim pastored in Korean and Korean American churches for almost three decades. He died Nov. 24 after a sudden illness with COVID-19.
The myth of “the one” says the universe has picked out one special person for you, a soulmate perfectly crafted to meet your every need and fit your every curve of character.