Redeemer University in Ancaster, Ont., and Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Mich., have made recent programming changes, including dropping majors in certain languages and launching new business degrees.
Writer Charles C. Camosy echoes a call to courage for pro-life constituents to stand "clearly and firmly for prenatal justice regardless of the political consequences."
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Celebrating joyful moments like the receiving of candidates for ministry and addressing weighty matters like requests for church discipline, the Christian Reformed Church’s Council of Delegates met June 15 and 16.
Responding to a request from a Christian Reformed congregation to Synod 2021, the CRC’s Council of Delegates has asked the denomination’s executive director to develop a mechanism that would allow LGBTQ voices to be heard by delegates to the next synod with regard to the human sexuality report.
In place of Synod 2021 the Christian Reformed Church’s Council of Delegates, with some discussion, left unchanged an earlier decision to remove adoption agency Bethany Christian Services from its list of approved organizations for offerings.
Over an online video meeting, streamed to YouTube, the Christian Reformed Church’s Council of Delegates received new candidates for ministry and blessed them as they take up God’s assigned work.
Acting in lieu of Synod 2021 the Christian Reformed Church’s Council of Delegates chose to defer requests for discipline and not rescind an earlier letter of concern. In a new communication it urges synod to “be mindful of the three marks of the true and vital church.”
The Christian Reformed Church’s Council of Delegates received a final report on work toward preventing abuse of power and requested a review of the denomination’s current appeal process.
Two regional groups of churches in Canada had asked to stop moves toward restructuring. Considering those requests on behalf of synod, the Council said no.
In 2016, Grace Paek traveled to Australia to train new leaders for what is now called Global Coffee Break, a part of the Christian Reformed Church’s Raise Up Global Ministries.
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While the Israelites struggle to occupy the Promised Land of God, Mahlah bat Zelophehad is orphaned and left to care for her four sisters.
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Gentle pop anthems testify to God’s goodness.
Both nature and Scripture are God’s revelation, giving unique insights into God.
The real work in the church, just as in a family, is staying connected when things get hard, even if it gets painful.
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When her brothers ask Serena to oversee the family guest house on the Isle of Skye, she has a chance to dust off her long-ignored business skills and make a new start.
My family and I are choosing to trust that the COVID-19 vaccine is a gift from God and the best way forward.
That’s how racism is allowed to deepen its roots. We put on blinders and simply choose to ignore what we don’t want to see.
A pastor in the Christian Reformed Church since 1983, Rich Hamstra led his congregations with energy, enthusiasm, and love.
Chaplain and pastor, Carroll Keegstra, known for his sense of humor and wonderful laugh, died May 4.