Meeting since 2019 in professional buildings and in parking lots, Bridge Church, a Christian Reformed church plant in Fort Saskatchewan, Alta., now worships in a Christian school on its way to completing a multi-use community hub.
Emmaus City Church, an emerging Christian Reformed congregation in Worcester, Mass., is in its second round of Surge School, a discipleship and spiritual transformation program.
Relive the 2023 NFL season through the eyes of five of the best pass catchers in the league.
Back Home: Story Time with My Father
By Arlene Elizabeth Casimer. Illustrated by Ken DaleyA lyrical text and vivid, luminous imagery transport readers to Haiti through a father’s tales and a child’s imagination—and invite them to tell stories of their own.
The work of World Renew can seem distant and unclear to those of us who haven’t spent time in the midst of it, but opportunities abound to literally get our hands dirty.
Across So Many Seas
By Ruth BeharSpanning over 500 years, Pura Belpré Award-winner Ruth Behar’s epic novel tells the stories of four girls from different generations of a Jewish family, many of them forced to leave their countries and start a new life.
All of My Days
By Ellie HolcombSinger-songwriter Ellie Holcomb offers a gentle, stirring EP of songs based on the Psalms
Wonder who makes up the team putting together the news, features, media reviews, and ads that make up The Banner in print and online each month?
As I turn over the earth, mostly I relish the exercise, the rich soil and earthworms, and the sun or wind on my face.
I understand the difficulty, slow pace, and painfulness of change in many cases, but it can become frustrating when we miss our stated vision and goals.
In Memoriam: Rev. Anthony (Tony) Begay
1938-2024Pastor, chaplain, and Lt. Colonel (Ret.) Anthony Begay was known for his deep faith and kind and generous spirit. He died Sept. 5 at age 86.
World Relief asked supporters to urge U.S. presidential candidates “to uphold human dignity, secure borders, and protect family unity in immigration solutions.”
Failures of Forgiveness: What We Get Wrong and How to Do Better
By Myisha CherryPhilosopher Myisha Cherry brings a novel approach to what to do with wrongdoing in our lives and the world.
A hilarious, fresh love story for the over-60 crowd.
As a reader, this month offers the chance for me to learn more about my Hispanic neighbors through the pages of books. Here are four titles that will elevate your reading life.
Eight ministers are releasing their calls, seven congregations have begun disaffiliation, and one church is affiliating with the 㽶Ƶ, in moves directly tied to recent synodical decisions on human sexuality.
현재 CRC 교단과 CRC 대출 기금(Loan Fund)은 모두 어려운 기로에 서 있습니다. 40년 가까이 운영된 대출 기금은 2021년 COVID의 영향으로 대출 요청이 급격히 감소하였고, 2022년 5월 데이비드 빈(David Veen) 이사장의 갑작스러운 은퇴 이후 이사장 자리는 2년간 공석이었습니다.
우리의 정원과 식물들처럼, 교회도 생기가 넘치지만 때로는 연약합니다.
As I Am
By Hannah KerrPop singer-songwriter Hannah Kerr releases an authentic, 14-song album brimming with God’s love.
Song of the Seasons
By Glenys Nellist. Illustrated by C. B. CangaFrom bestselling author Glenys Nellist comes a rhyming, whimsical, faith-building journey through the four seasons—for early readers who love nature and wonder.
My mom took a phone call from someone claiming to be her granddaughter, saying she had been in a car crash, was in jail, and needed help. Thankfully Mom figured out it wasn’t her grandchild and hung up. How do we guard ourselves from scammers?
우리는 이성적 사고가 우리를 지배한다고 믿지만, 사실 우리의 행동을 결정하는 것은 무의식적인 직관입니다.
While often identified as a Reformation slogan, we have no written evidence that the reformers themselves used these words together this way.
How can we understand God’s sovereignty without logically implying that God was the creator of evil?