One of my great teachers, Henry Stob, a longtime Calvin Seminary professor, never tired of reminding his students that Jesus Christ came
If I could give young Christians a few gifts to help them to live steadily amid today’s seismic cultural shifts, one of those
You’ll probably be hearing a lot about evolution this month.
I stand in awe of how God led me to become pastor of Fox Valley Christian Reformed Church.
On may 24, 2005, Joel and Holly Davis from Bellevue, Nebraska, experienced what they call a “God thing.” On that day, Preside
Admit it. A certain, not necessarily flattering, image comes to mind when you think of John Calvin.
A while back I held a class on the Canons of Dort.
Recently our daughter Nicole, who is 21, spent a few days in the hospital.
Along with about 45 faculty and staff members at the college where I work, I teach a required one-credit course for first-year students.
So much depends on your standpoint when you start to tell what happened “once upon a time.”
Is Prosperity a Blessing?
You have a great job, a nice home, and above-average kids. But are you really “blessed”?I occasionally hear Christians reflect on how God has “blessed” them throughout their lives.
“In short, the Ď㽶ĘÓƵ, as we know it, is dying.” Rev. Sam Hamstra Jr.
One of the most remarkable encounters in the gospels takes place between Jesus and the Canaanite woman who asks him to heal her demon-pos
Not long ago I attended a conference for Christian 20- and 30-somethings.
Questions for Christian Schools
Defining a vision for Reformed Christian educationIn just a short time school will start again. Students, parents, and teachers are busy preparing for a new school year.
Consider this plot synopsis: Mack’s young daughter is kidnapped and murdered. Her body is never found.
Peculiar Purity
Practicing holiness in a sex-saturated societyA sex-saturated society. That phrase captures the cultural context in which we live today.
Beyond Election Madness
Pursuing Justice in the FracasThe sniping sound-bites of left vs. right. The “I’m always right-You’re always wrong”
I love pigs. I became fascinated with them when I first saw them as a 12-year-old.
While you went about your business today, 30,000 children died of hunger.
I remember reading a book that said, “It could be argued that the Spirit lies at the center of Reformed faith.” I wrote in th
Standing on Holy Ground
Seeing the Spirit at work in contemporary cultureI remember the day Metallica came to church.
Mention to a stranger that you are “Christian Reformed” and watch his eyes cloud over. He gets the Christian part.
. . . Also Many Animals
We’re not the only creatures God cares about.Remember how, after Jonah’s grudging evangelistic crusade, the whole city of Nineveh repented and Jonah angrily pouted?