On October 13 Nicholas Wolterstorff offered his voice in favor of same-sex marriage
Find exclusive content here not available in the monthly print version of The Banner. New As I Was Saying blogs are posted Fridays and sometimes Tuesdays, and Behind The Banner blogs post on the third Friday of every other month (but sometimes more frequently).
For a couple of months my wife, Susie, and I felt undeniably drawn to the Standing Rock Sioux Nation and the “Water Protectors” attempts to reclaim land.
As the American political season heats up like an August day in Phoenix, I notice more and more mention of God by political candidates and their surrogates.
The story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5 is one of the most delightful, masterful, and intriguing in the Old Testament.
As I write this, Mother’s Day is coming up.
We are in the middle of a debate in the CRC about same-sex activity and marriage
I have noticed recently that there are fewer funerals.
On the Ground
Len’s observations from poking around the CRC