Sometimes when I’m sitting at my computer, my 3-year-old daughter, Mary, climbs onto my lap.
Vantage Point
This is an opinion column in which readers share their thoughts about an issue of interest to the church, challenge others, or reflect on something near and dear to their hearts.
Almost before debate gets started, calls for the question arise from the floor.
This Summer Classis Holland is bringing an overture to synod requesting that we study the admission of all baptized members to th
It’s been almost 400 years since the Christian Reformed Church has added a new confession.
I remain convinced that no one repairs or transforms with more style than Red Green.
I had just finished explaining Anselm’s ontological argument for the existence of God to my senior Bible class when I paused to ask
The congregation to which I belong is considering launching a building project. It’s an increasingly common circumstance.
The Monkey bars taught me a lesson one day. My 6-year-old son beckoned me over to help him with them.
In my humble opinion, all paid ministry staff who work with children and youth in Christian Reformed congregations should function as if
We cowered at the deafening sound of crippled airplanes
and metal fragments crashing to earth.My father was a missionary educator whose work influenced government as well as mission schools in what is now Zimbabwe.
Synod 2005 approved a proposal for the orderly exchange of ministers between the Christian Reformed Church and the Reformed Church in A
What are you afraid of?
Having had the honor of being a delegate to several synods of the Christian Reformed Church, I’m always so pleased and thankful for
I’ve heard many pastors thank God for “answered prayer” when someone in the congregation gets well after an illness or
THERE'S A CHURCH BUILDING in our county that’s beautiful in its simplicity.