There seem to be only three persons absolutely necessary to make a marriage a Christian marriage: the man, the woman, and God.
The Bible says God hates “lying lips,” but there are also stories, such as Rahab helping the Israelite spies, where lying seems to be a good thing. So is lying sometimes okay?
“Righteousness” is another word for “justice,” which can be understood to mean something like “treating each person, thing, or situation rightly or correctly.”
Avoiding social hierarchies does not mean we should eliminate social differences or diversity, but merely the inequality between those differences.
What is wrong with gene editing in embryos if we can save children from horrible genetic diseases?
Many activities that were once forbidden by the church (card playing, dancing, and movie attendance) are now considered fine. But the Bible does not change. Are these changes biblical?
According to one polyamory website, a polyamorous relationship is “a romantic relationship where the people in the relationship agree that it’s okay for everyone to be open to or have other romantic partners.”
We need to discern between right and wrong, good and evil. That is not optional. Neither is holding people accountable for their actions.
People can definitely gamble with their money at the stock market, but that is not what it is intended to do.
I strongly counsel churches to first consult law enforcement for expert advice and training before making any such decisions.