Obviously, church is much more than a building.
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
As Irene re-read each letter—some on scraps of paper and others 20 full pages—she uncovered a story of God’s faithfulness.
모두 알다시피 교회는 건물 그 이상입니다.
A chaplain, a Bible translator, a bivocational pastor, and congregational pastors in different settings tell their stories.
When COVID-19 forced LaGrave Ave. Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Mich., to shut its doors to in-person worship back in March, church leaders made sure that all members would be able to participate in online services.
Even in these difficult times, the faith of the older generation continues to light our way.
Things were a little different this year.
While aging often includes a relinquishing of our former physical abilities, I believe it also includes the development of new and lasting memories, capabilities, and wisdom.
In many parts of India, it is illegal to try to convert someone to Christianity.
문맥이 모든 것이다.
On the evening of May 20, Midland (Mich.) Reformed Church opened its doors to some of the 10,000 people who were forced to evacuate their homes and the surrounding communities due to flooding caused by the breaking of two dams.
Knowing that worship leaders and churches would be scrambling to meet the needs of their congregants, the group tabled its agenda and began to create resources.
Little did we know that within a few weeks, the rise of COVID-19 would force us to revisit this question.
Resonate ministry leaders challenged cohort participants to go for walks in their neighborhoods, check in with neighbors, and experiment with different ways to connect with people.
“I realized through listening that other young people are facing the same problem as me, but also that there is a solution in Christ.”
As a person with a physical disability, I am happy I can work from home right now during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the midst of all of this change and societal chaos, the church is standing tall.
For Carol Van Ess-Dykema, the work of World Renew is quite simple: loving the world through more than just words.
It is easy for deacons in my church to feel discouraged about our smallness.
이 모든 변화와 사회적 혼란 가운데에 교회는 굳건히 서 있습니다.
The community that church can provide makes a difference within and without the four walls of a building.
Pastor Joe Groeneveld was at a conference in 2017 when he came across a copy of the just-published The New City Catechism.
Being a Christian and attending church is often seen as shameful and dishonoring your family, friends, and co-workers.
우리 각자의 인생 스토리를 돌이켜 보면, 하나님이 더 큰 계획을 가지고 계심이 명확해집니다.