World Renew has been working to give practical tools to North Americans for mobilizing communities to stop injustice.
A sensitive and penetrating reflection on coming of age in a Dutch immigrant family scarred by violence.
In Psalms: The Poetry of Prayer, Caroline Cobb gives voice to a rich range of prayers from the Psalms, helping you express trust, hope, joy, confession, lament and more through 11 tracks.
Stanley Jim, a Minister of the Word in the Christian Reformed Church since 1996, has led and helped develop Native American ministry leadership for decades. He plans to retire Sept 1.
Brian Houston, co-founder of the now global Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia, had been charged with concealing a serious indictable offense of another person.
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
Now the pandemic has eased. It seems timely to reflect on the proper place of online worship in the life of the church. How should God’s people employ this technology?
What enduring loves have held the CRC together more often than not over the past century and a half?
A member of Immanuel Christian Reformed Church in Fort Collins, Colo., started nonprofit “Secret Garden” after seeing how picking and delivering bouquets to the neighborhood assisted-living home lifted people’s spirits.
I have been to places (concerts, fireworks, city streets) where a person is yelling out the gospel to the sinners walking by.
Bible storybook that inspires young children to be like Jesus and love others, by Trillia Newbell.
A 12-year-old boy and a classmate discover a secret portal that allows them to travel back in time and uncover clues about a mystery involving a girl who disappeared decades ago.
Learn the truth about John Newton’s flawed life and rest in the knowledge that redemption is possible, no matter what.
The Christian Parenting and Caregiving Initiative, funded by Lilly Endowment Inc., has awarded 77 grants of up to $1.25 million each “to help interested parents and other caregivers share their Christian faith and values with their children.” The CRCNA is one of the grantees.
Lake City (Mich.) CRC transformed its building into a life-size version of the popular children’s board game Candy Land as part of its summer ministry for kids.
Having a posture that is open to and even actively seeks out learning can open us to new opportunities, no matter our age.
Combining biblical truths and scientific facts, The Things God Made is an inspirational and informative picture book retelling of the creation story from the book of Genesis.
A naive young man travels a hostile kingdom to see the king in this fantasy YA novel.
Examples abound of good folks getting mired in heartache while people with questionable character rack up wins.
Pagans understand there is a spiritual world.
Me intriga saber por qué Jesús, en este caso, optó por hacer énfasis en el amor como clave de la salvación en lugar de la fe o la creencia.
Relationships can withstand tremendous amounts of hard truths, but they collapse quickly under the weight of deception.
When given 28 suggestions and the prompt “To me, the term ‘Christian Reformed’ means
With the help of students from the University of Nebraska College of Architecture, F Street Neighborhood Church in Lincoln, Neb., is rebuilding a historic chapel into community art space.