A moving picture book biography about chef José Andrés, who, along with his World Central Kitchen organization, is sure to inspire kids to help out in their own communities.
A Plate of Hope: The Inspiring Story of Chef José Andrés and World Central Kitchen
By Erin Frankel. Illustrated by Paola EscobarThe Women We've Been Waiting For: A 40-Day Devotional for Self-Care, Resilience, and Communal Flourishing
By Tiffany BluhmThis devotional weaves together Scripture, liturgies, and stories of historical figures to “show women that caring for themselves is the first step toward renewing their souls and tackling the social problems they care most about.”
Congregations facing hard choices about what to do with underutilized, high-maintenance sacred structures heard from real estate experts at a recent conference on the future of church buildings.
In Memoriam: Rev. Vernon F. Geurkink
1936-2024Vern Geurkink was an academic who sought to be a person of integrity. He had a lifelong commitment to justice and mercy. Vern, 88, died Aug. 2.
The 㽶Ƶ has four agencies, two educational institutions, and three uniquely Canadian ministries that provide resources and host events.
Mental Health and Your Church: A Handbook for Biblical Care
By Helen Thorne and Dr. Steve MidgleyHelping you and the whole church family understand, nurture, and support those with mental health conditions.
Downcast Souls Expectant Hearts
By Resound WorshipDowncast Souls Expectant Hearts speaks to the heart of the life of faith. The songs remind us that we do not grieve alone, nor do we grieve without hope.
How frequently do we find ourselves akin to shattered pieces in need of reconstruction?
It’s easy to conclude that the person in disagreement with me has stopped treating the Bible as authoritative.
When the apostle Andrew met Jesus through John the Baptist, he was immediately captivated by the light of Christ.
A number of people around me are switching jobs. How do I know if I should be doing the same?
As I leave a much-beloved job, I’ve been reflecting on some of the lessons I have learned through my years in this unique mission field.
Awaken to the miracle of a soft, resilient heart amid hard realities of life in a fallen world.
The Forge, a new film from the Kendrick Brothers, shows muscular Christian love.
Churro Stand
By Karina N. Gonzalez. Illustrated by Krystal QuilesThis heartwarming picture book celebrates love, community, and the pop, sizzle, and crunch of a perfect churro—inspired by the author’s relationship with her mother.
In the U.S., 64% of respondents said it’s important to have a national leader who stands up for people with their religious beliefs. 50% of Canadian respondents said the same.
Synod 2024’s measures to ensure leaders in the CRCNA remain in line with the denomination’s confessional teachings are having an impact on the makeup of the Council of Delegates.
Because of violence from extremist terrorist groups in his home village, Omar fled to the city of Kaya.
The Great Divide
By Cristina HenriquezA powerful novel about the construction of the Panama Canal, casting light on the unsung people who lived, loved, and labored there
If you've ever dreamed of building a unique and beautiful small home, simplifying your life, getting off the grid, and escaping the rat race, this is your channel!
When our pastor prays, he uses the word “Lord” or “Father God” in nearly every sentence, sometimes more. Is it wrong for me to be annoyed by this?
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Oct. 31 is marked as Reformation Day in Protestant churches to remember the onset of the Protestant Reformation that began in 1517.