It was Palm Sunday 2009, and instead of sitting in a pew in my home church watching the Sunday school children walk down the aisles wavin
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
Q I often wonder if I’m a genuine Christian because I’m not actively
Have you ever wondered what eggs have to do with Easter? Or why we hunt for Easter eggs? (Why not painted rocks or marbles instead?)
With budgets facing ongoing strains, saving money isn’t a tough sell in most congregations these days.
Seldom do I read The Banner and come away greatly blessed and encouraged, but with the March 2010 issue I certainly did.
For more than half a century our denomination has maintained a close bond with the Christian Reformed Church in Cuba. As the Februar
If I were an atheist (you’ll be pleased to know I am not), I would scan my fellow lumps of biomass and conclude, “Human life
At the stove, waiting for the rice to boil.
According to a radio report, a middle school in Oregon was faced with a unique problem.
I was walking past the youth room in a church I used to attend when I overheard the following: “Why do we have to study the Heidelb
The journey of grief is arduous. It is exhausting, seems never-ending, and is filled with anguish and suffering.
What are your favorite signs of spring? Robins? Crocuses?
Q. Our pastor has been here well over a decade.
Got Religion?
It’s articles such as “Got Religion?” (January 2010) that ease my own discomfort with no longer b
When synod encouraged Christian Reformed churches to study the Belhar Confession—in view of the CRC’s potential adoption of i
have a friend with whom I hesitate to be seen.
What have you done for the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee lately?
Synod 2008
Thanks for the thorough and balanced coverage of synod. What a rich denomination we are part of!
We wish we’d had enough room to run the full versions (below) of these two letters in the February 2010 print Banner.
Send Us Your Photos!
Now that John Calvin’s 2009 whirlwind world tour is over, The Banner is pleased to inaugurate a brand-
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Did you know that the earth is a “closed system”?
Q If elders and pastors no longer regularly visit congregation members in their ho
I found the visual graphic of the fist on page 7 of the January 2010 Banner both startling and unsettling.