Have you ever been caught outside in a thunderstorm? Were you afraid you’d get struck by lightning or hit by a falling tree?
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
U.S. Budget Cuts Could Harm Poor
U.S. budget cuts may result in much less help for people who have low incomes.I attended a meeting recently in Washington, D.C., that left me deeply disturbed.
Islamic Teaching
As believers we certainly have our differences.
Two dog owners were arguing about whose pet was smarter.
It’s spring—time to tune in to creation!
In my humble opinion, our leaders should end their crusade to prod our denomination onto the Global Warming Bandwagon.
Why Christians Should Care About the Environment
Do we love our neighbors by polluting the world we all share?As Christians we believe the Earth is a creation of God, a precious gift on which we depend for the necessities of life.
Hitting the Wall
Seeing Jesus in the Chicago MarathonSomehow, watching my younger sister Jessica cross the finish line of the Boston Marathon convinced me that it would be a good idea for
A minister was approached by a congregant who said he was worried about the strange dreams he was having.
Begin here: A book is a story told by one soul to another soul. This means that the writer for young readers has the opportunity
Have you ever traveled to a faraway place?
The Muslim-Christian Chasm
Let’s not gloss over the serious differences between Christianity and Islam.Several issues ago Banner Editor Bob De Moor wrote about his church’s positive encounter with two devout Muslims (“In All
I am tired. Really, really tired.
In last month’s Banner we reported on a bit of a dustup at Calvin College, our denominationally owned liberal arts scho
Justice and Mercy
The two features “Illegal” and “Lopsided Mercy” (February 2011) really hit home
On Valentine's Day, and all year long, we talk about our hearts a lot.
During a unit on the solar system in December, the kindergartners learned about the planets, sun, and moon.
Christian Living
Q. Every morning I wake up afraid. My body is getting weaker, and my resources are shrinking.
Thank you for your January editorial bringing light to the abortion issue ("Security for Whom?")
A friend told me about several couples whose babies had a serious genetic condition that results in severe deformity and death.
The hissing of the breathing machine was the only noise in the room.