As someone who works most weekends and just about every Sunday night, I’ve developed the good discipline of taking Mondays off.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
Many of the earth’s rainforests are located in hot, humid places like Central and South America and parts of Africa, Asia, and A
We emphasize the significance of the local church.
Synod 2011 moved forward cautiously and carefully, like traffic through a construction zone.
Reuniting what should never have been divided.
What has made you smile lately?
I knew I didn’t walk into that room alone.
If you don’t get outside much, you might have this unhealthy problem.
Too Busy?
Myth or fact in ministry today?Are ministers today too busy? Not busy enough? Maybe it’s time for churches to re-evaluate the role.
Our confessions sketch a deep, rich theology that rewards those who dig deeper.
Terrorism, unrest in the Middle East, spiking oil prices, and Qur’an burnings.
True Dialogue
Thanks for your excellent editorial “True Dialogue”
When my son was younger, we were working on the sounds that different letters make. At one point we worked on days of the week:
Sometimes the most wonderful sound in the heat of summer can be the music of an ice cream truck.
Loss and a Lavender Orchid
Learning wisdom from a surprisingly-easy-to-care-for plantFour years ago, shortly after our church moved into its new ministry center, a member of the congregation sent three plants in celebra
The CRC’s drift toward centralization is moving authority away from synod.
True Dialogue
Reminding ourselves how to speak politely—especially when it comes to controversial topics.It won’t be a quiet week in Bannerland.
Gracious Lutherans
When I saw the April Banner, I was pleased to see the Christus Rex from the chapel of Valpara
Q. I’m a mother raising three teenage boys on my own and I’m totally overwhelmed.
A father believed his son was spending too much time playing computer games.
A former drug addict testifies to God’s faithfulness.
Why Give?
A pessimist’s paradoxAt a time when budgets have been pruned and purse strings tightened, the outpouring of generosity following Haiti’s devastating
Return to Wonder
Our world is thick with miracles.Throughout history, human beings have been struck by the wonder of mysteries we do not fully understand.