As a preacher, I felt a bit awkward walking into Calgary’s Victoria Park CrossFit gym that morning.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
Back in my roaring twenties, I used to volunteer with something called the Committee for Contact with the Government (CCG).
A guest preacher was about to begin the service.
After God made all of the animals, he brought them to Adam to name.
During a rally for Facebook users last month, Mark Zuckerberg laid out his dreams for the future of his social media behemoth.
A few years ago I traveled to India with a group from my seminary.
Happy Independence Day and Happy Canada Day!
If I had to write a newspaper headline for Synod 2017 it would read “Tectonic fault lines in culture tear at Western Civilization.
The girl sitting at the front of the bus had gotten sick all over the sidewalk just before boarding.
Does Jesus still heal today?
Once a year in the Netherlands, joggers in the park stop running for two minutes.
“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”
Q How do I discern whether God is calling me to be an elder?
The guests kept coming, and I kept mixing.
I went through a divorce while I was a member of a CRC
Q Isn’t telling people they are sinners in need of repentance an act of love?
When I was young and sitting in church we used to sing, Faith of Our Fathers
I am troubled that the framework set forth in “Rape Culture and Christian Colleges”
Here is a poem that I learned at an evangelical “Bible camp”
In seventh grade, John* told me he liked me.
Isn't it amazing that God made every creature on earth?