If the Holy Spirit holds the cosmos together (every facet of every human being’s biological, relational, educational, social, and economic life), and if holding means nearness, then surely every time a human being wakes up to God, that moment is a remembering of a presence that’s always been there.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
These days, for example, many of us use social media to rush curated expressions of our life into public space. We can equate visibility with significance.
Christians should be aware of the effects of our lifestyles.
Living among people whose suffering is relentless, heartbreaking, mind-numbing, has changed me. I am hungrier for heaven’s healing than I have ever been.
Online commenting is the latest and most efficient way we allow ourselves to be set up against each other.
This piece is a reflection of the story of Joseph and Mary, specifically their journey to Bethlehem.
Mary’s willingness to risk everything allowed all of us to gain so much more.
Songs of praise often celebrate God taking us from our hurts; songs of lament recognize God with us in our hurts.
In Acts 17, Paul is basically called a nitwit by his new friends. Here’s what happened.
Shepherds are people who look after sheep. They provide food and water for their sheep and protect them from predators. Even without predators, sheep can get themselves into trouble. Sometimes a sheep will fall or get knocked over and get stuck on its back. Without a shepherd to help them up, they would die.
At pivotal points in our paid work we must sometimes decide whether to remain where we are or move on to a new location.
The heartfelt question was posed to me in the waning moments of an evening filled with the easy camaraderie that forms between those walking a pathway of similar joys and sorrows.
Thank you to Roxanne Van Farowe for her article “#ChurchToo: Lessons from Willow Creek.” I have worked independently...
Will anyone want the mantel clock?
I made profession of faith many years ago as a young teenager, but it was group pressure that made me do it.
Psalm 137 is, for me, the prayer in the Bible that most accurately expresses the extreme rage that comes with the experience or observation of the world’s worst abuses
It’s as if my whole life I’ve been trying to learn a language, and it wasn’t until I started to write that I could finally speak it.
The answer to this question is all about the Holy Spirit.
Does legalized cannabis help me to better love and serve God and my neighbor?
This man got a pair of gloves, and I got a blessing. I think I came out ahead.
From beginning to end, Our World Belongs to God testifies that God is fully present and involved in our lives.
Deciding to take it all on doesn’t convey a healthy trust in God’s provision, or trust in others to be the elbows while I focus on being the spleen (to stretch a biblical metaphor).
Here’s one way to practice being thankful every day!
I was taught to obey police officers, but they didn’t play a large role in my life.