If we relegate the healing ministry of Jesus to the New Testament alone, then how can we say that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever?
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
I wonder what I would have done if I was in Ebed-Melech’s place. Would I have acted courageously? Or would I have remained silent?
In the act of putting on some characteristic garment, you share strengths, experiences, understanding, and love. … Masks are a big deal because all clothes mold us and mediate between us.
It’s surprising how much the anticipation of a new school year can excite and create a feeling of trepidation inside a teacher.
Following Jesus during the time of COVID is discombobulating.
Looking at it from afar, I honestly couldn’t relate: the intensity, the anger, the vile accusations on social media, especially among Christians.
Convicted of their past sin and consumed with the ensuing guilt, they experienced the same crushing concerns.
In the midst of a pandemic and the greater call for social justice and equity, what might ‘being missional’ look like?
It is taking on the power of a new religion that’s dividing churches and hurting Christian witness.
Telling the church what the church is doing is the job of The Banner news editors and correspondents.
Our current moment in history has laid bare my insecurities, deficiencies, and anxieties of being a pastor.
I’d rather believe the lie that only old people will die in this pandemic and that I’m invincible.
I grew up with constant criticism from my parents. I don’t want to hurt my children like I was hurt, but I can’t seem to stop being critical. Help!
Changes keep coming, and like waves on the shore, I can’t stop them. As Mom’s disease progresses, we have no choice but to move along with it.
As we start this school year, we know things will be different.
Words people use while expressing anger are easy targets to undermine the feelings they are expressing.
I don’t think I’m alone in saying that lately, I’ve been frustrated.
While other Christians and people of other faiths might see that they must change their practices in regard to race, white evangelicals still think of it in terms of what they believe.
A political assessment of modern Christianity reveals that followers of Jesus have varying conclusions about their relationship with the institution of government.
Many Christians who have walked closely with people who are same-sex attracted recognize a purity of love in many long-term, committed same-sex relationships in today’s modern society.
I’ve come to realize that what I was receiving was a collective response to years, decades, centuries of my co-workers’ and friends’ experiences of racist attitudes.
- August 4, 2020| |
The question isn’t just simply about what is “safe” or “not safe.”
Both harbor simmering resentment at perceived slights and mistreatments. And both, it seems, would love to punish the other by various means.
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