Economically vulnerable people of color are significantly more anti-abortion than rich white folks are.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
I, like most others, didn’t start attending AA meetings out of mere curiosity or boredom. I was compelled by the damage caused by my drinking habits.
Gifting and character: these are the two ingredients for successful leadership.
The best story that has ever happened to me is the one I almost never tell.
The gold edge of his white robe brushed the ground as he slowly lit each candle.
Although orthodoxy and orthopraxy are both necessary, I think we have overemphasized them at the expense of orthocardia.
As Reformed Christians we know that everything is being redeemed by God—even the giant, sometimes dark and sinister hole we call the internet.
God can do more with this than we can see.
We followed the coffin, and then I sat in one of the chairs next to the coffin.
When I see daffodils come up I can’t help but think about the coming summer and the promises of God’s cycles.
Looking forward, the road is precarious. Many signs indicate we are a denomination in poor health.
Is Earth sacred? While we may have an obligation to be stewards of creation, is there a danger for Christians of falling into nature worship given some of the language used by those who refer to nature as “sacred”?
As a pro-life activist my whole adult life, I never thought I’d live to see the end of Roe v. Wade, if that’s what this is.
Of course Black lives matter, and it is important in the church of Jesus, in the historical and present context of North America, to say so unequivocally.
God’s love for people who have been marginalized, discarded, and taken advantage of reverberates throughout the Bible.
Idolatry is indeed a threat—a temptation that Christians ought to resist through the Spirit’s leading.
When we are surveyed, we feel like a number about to be made into a statistic, and often we are.
How can God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, even as a test of obedience? Isn't that cruel and a case of child abuse?
What do we do when the pain and struggle are ongoing, and the happy ending doesn’t appear?
He pointed to a chair and told me he’d have my watch fixed in a couple minutes if I wanted to wait.
They did not choose to leave their land. They were forced to. Violence pushed them out, and a search for survival pulled them forward.
We will always fight over something unless we face and resolve our underlying issues. As far as I can tell, we have collectively ignored them.
I was a child of Dutch immigrants in the 1950s, and my adult children are now asking more details about their grandparents, of whom they all have wonderful impressions.
Today, when opinion is taken to be fact and fact taken as opinion, there seems to be a wide array of approaches as to how to deal with change.