I respect and value Baptists. I even dated a girl from Moody Bible Institute when I attended Trinity Christian College, near Chicago.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
As a seminarian years ago, I pastored a small congregation. I was the preacher, the janitor, and the pianist. All for $5 a week.
This column is devoted to enjoying some of the rich diversity God has blessed us with in the Christian Reformed Church.
The office in my high school was on the first floor, in the center of the building.
April Fool!
As much as we’d like to think that if Believers of Grace-U.S.
They creep, they crawl, they scuttle, they gallop. They fly, hop, slither, and swim.
It’s been almost 400 years since the Christian Reformed Church has added a new confession.
An elderly Middle Eastern man lived just outside New York City for more than 40 years.
Q. Why does our denomination place so much emphasis on the Ten Commandments and so little on the Beatitudes?
As a greenhorn seminary intern I found my first church council meeting overwhelming.
I preached the installation sermons recently for two colleagues, newly ensconced in nearby churches.
Death Before the Fall?
“Death Before the Fall?” (March 2006). No.
“How many folks here have a mentor?” I asked. Of the 22 church leaders in the room, less than half raised their hands.
Dirt gets a bum rap. Think about these familiar phrases: treated like dirt, dirty looks, dirty jobs.
I remain convinced that no one repairs or transforms with more style than Red Green.
A young preacher was conducting his first funeral service.
Now and then a little change is good.
Can You Believe it?
This Easter, as they have for nearly 2,000 years, Christians will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the tomb.
I visited ours recently. Calvin Seminary. The present emphasis is on better preaching. Good! God is not boring!
Reading the text of Creation
Q. Three of our elders, one of whom was re-baptized as an adult, have indicated opposition to infant baptism.
Editorial Standards
After reading the editorial “Glenda’s Revelation” in the February Banner, I supp
Extreme makeovers promise to change everything from looks to personalities to houses.