We can follow our Lord in the way of overcoming evil with goodness by seeking to obey the ninth commandment in Christlike ways.
The New Testament in Color: A Multiethnic Bible Commentary
By Esau McCaulley (Editor), Janette H. Ok (Co-editor), Osvaldo Padilla (Co-editor), and Amy Peeler (Co-editor)In a first-of-its-kind volume, The New Testament in Color offers biblical commentary that is multiethnic, diverse, and contextual.
One of those things we’ve started to worship is politics.
The evening sky was rapidly darkening as my family frantically huddled outside our broken-down van on the rocky shoulder of a busy mountain highway.
It is no surprise that the Bible describes our Creator God as an artist and craftsman
While often identified as a Reformation slogan, we have no written evidence that the reformers themselves used these words together this way.
It’s easy to conclude that the person in disagreement with me has stopped treating the Bible as authoritative.
We know what it means to do good. But in today’s tense and complex world, when political issues, theology, and current events so often divide us, how do we say good?
Two thousand years ago, on the island of Patmos, the apostle John had a vision of the greatest comeback of all time.
Learning to Disagree: The Surprising Path to Navigating Differences with Empathy and Respect
By John InazuThis book won’t tell you what to believe, but it aims to change the way you engage with disagreement.
When we get impatient, we try to control change and force change. The result is the church sinking to another level of stuckness even worse than before.
On Ascension Day, Jesus takes up his seat at God’s right hand as king of kings and Lord of lords. We let that pass with a yawn. How does this make any sense?
Wanting to be big without the leading and loving presence of the Holy Spirit is a kind of sickness, an addiction that can lead to ruin.
By David AndersonNow expanded and revised, David A. Anderson revives the biblical model for showing special grace to others on the basis of ethnicity, class, or social distinction—one of gracism.
We cannot erase our emotions, but we can learn to lower their intensity so that they become more manageable.
Here are five ways to delve into the icy months and glean the most reward and meaning out of the season even as we look forward to spring.
What if, instead of being caught up in hyperpartisanship, the CRC tried to provide an alternative to polarization and fragmentation in the church, society, and politics?
I think we all have something we’re personally moving toward, our own personal goals and pursuits—until we meet Jesus.
This kind of community might be seen as unusual or even dangerous to many of us who are used to four walls and a fence.
At the start of Ordinary Time, the church is encouraged to embrace a spirit of patient curiosity as it participates in the mysterious life of the Trinity.
The conflict over sexuality in the CRC is a symptom of deeper cultural divisions.
American Bible Society's Bible-based trauma-healing program, including this leader’s guide, helps people explore their heart wounds and heal from the pain of trauma.
We are often inclined to judge others about how they deal with their “makeup” simply because they are not made up the way we are.
Let’s challenge this common understanding of Paul’s gospel and do some fundamental rebuilding of the “Romans Road.”