When he became president of Calvin Theological Seminary in 2001, Rev. Neal Plantinga Jr. thought fundraising would be hard.
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
Two Calvin college professors have received awards for recently published books. Calvin professor of philosophy James K.A.
The media ministries of the Christian Reformed Church and the Reformed Church in America have combined resources to launch “Groundw
Alone steeple serves as a reminder of where South Olive Christian Reformed Church stood for more than 100 years.
Recently my 5-year-old granddaughter Nettie came home from school with a paper that read, “When I grow up, I want to be __________.
Even before the Jan.
We can only begin to imagine what it must be like these days to be a Haitian citizen. But we must try.
Haiti Earthquake
What Was God’s Role?I know what a place like Haiti is like. I came from a torn place myself: the Congo.
Rev. Marco Avila left his home in Paterson, N.J., earlier this year and drove several hundred miles.
A committee of church music experts working to compile a new hymn collection knew that “Amazing Grace” would make the cut.
- January 18, 2011| |
Jimbo is a small fishing village of about 200 inhabitants, mostly Muslim, along the Indian Ocean in southern Kenya.
How do you reach 1.3 billion people in China with the gospel? Through a strong media ministry and a vast network of volunteers.
The night was dark, but the patio was filled with light as a Christian Reformed missionary met with people in a slum in Guadalajara, Mexi
The dust has settled in Port-au-Prince. The earth is quiet; the shaking has stopped; the cries of the crushed and trapped are silent.
The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood” (John 1:14, The Message).
Steve Brauning is grateful for the gift of ministry shares when he considers what the support of CRC congregations in North America has m
Former Ethiopian Prime Minister Tamrat Layne recently testified in a town hall meeting at Calvin Theological Seminary about how God chang
- January 18, 2011| |
After decades of civil war and authoritarian rule, Cambodians are reluctant to trust anyone, especially those in positions of authority,
Imagine trying to study the Bible in a language that is not your own. It would be tricky for some and impossible for others.
Note: Because sharing the names in and location of this story would put many people at risk, we cannot give details.
Following graduation in 2012 from Calvin College, history major Ross Pursifull will head from stateside military training to possible ove
The year was 1960. It was a time of great optimism and hope across North America.
About a year ago I visited Cuba with my husband, Larry Bos Sr., and a friend named Bill Boer.
Bessie Vander Valk was 20 years old when she became convinced that God was calling her to go to Cuba to share the gospel.