A long-running collaboration between The River Christian Reformed Church and Lugonia Elementary School in Redlands, Calif., has earned the partners recognition from the California School Boards Association.
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to news@thebanner.org.
About 50 people met together March 10 to focus on facing the new realities of life after 30 to 40 years of work experiences.
Lucknow Community Christian Reformed Church has served as a pick-up venue for the Good Food Box program for more than 15 years.
“Sermons a la carte” connects Christians from different traditions once a week throughout Lent.
Members of Trinity Christian Reformed Church in Grandville, Mich., and members of Rosedale Park Baptist Church in Detroit met, talked, and prayed together about race and faith.
In Waterloo, Ont., church members from multiple regions heard from public educators and discussed how to create safer communities.
Church in the ‘middle of everywhere’ adds new gymnasium to its welcoming spaces, offering basketball and children’s drop-in play to start.
Having served more than 30 years as a pastor, missionary, chaplain, and counselor, Harry Van Dam, died on Feb. 4 at 86.
Two or three times each year, Christian Reformed churches send representatives to their classis, a regional grouping of churches.
Ben Glenn's presentations aim to help students learn more about themselves and be inspired by God's plan for their lives.
Ada Cook, 12, a member of First Hamilton (Ont.) Christian Reformed Church, led in prayer at the February 21 prayer breakfast in Toronto.
Three youth pastors at CRC congregations in Kalamazoo, Mich., swapped youth groups for two weeks in February, breaking up a winter lull and reaching youth with a new story.
Albert Vanden Pol touched many people with his pastoral heart and gentle spirit. He died on January 24 in Surrey, B.C.
Madison Church, a multi-site Christian Reformed congregation in Grand Rapids, Mich., retold the biblical story of creation, sin, salvation, and redemption with its multicultural production of James Weldon Johnson’s 1927 book God’s Trombones.
It was a full agenda for the Council of Delegates in February, including discussions about classis renewal, church planting and evangelism, ministry priorities, and tough budgets.
The Lord must breathe life into the dry bones of his church (Ezek. 37) and give it a passion for evangelism and church planting. The question is, do we want it?
Ministry priorities for the Christian Reformed Church are up against tough budget realities of decreased denominational ministry income.
Syd Hielema: “It’s not about keeping curriculum alive but embedding curriculum as one part of a faith formation immersive environment.”
Billy Graham, a religious phenomenon who became a household name and preached to multitudes of people across the globe, died Wednesday after more than a half-century of ministry.
Travel bans and changes to the numbers of refugee admissions under the Trump administration have affected many Christian and faith-based resettlement organizations in the U.S.
A humble man with an ecumenical spirit and a warm, welcoming smile, Vugteveen died on February 1, at the age of 84.
A man of prayer with a passion for spreading the gospel, Richard D. Sytsma was one of the pioneer missionaries to Japan in the early 1950s . . .
Preaching and painting came together in a recent sermon series at Second Christian Reformed Church in Grand Haven, Mich.