When a lawsuit was filed to recoup costs incurred in a settlement with an abuse survivor, it resulted in a media storm that engulfed Calv
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to news@thebanner.org.
Cindy Beberman’s recipe for Hazelnut Espresso Truffle cookies won first place of 147 entries in the Chicago Tribune’s
Chicago Bulls fans are being treated to home-game performances by the “Swingin’ Seniors” dance troupe.
It began with a loud pounding at her door at 6 a.m. on the Friday before Mother’s Day, 2005.
The sight of children devouring cookies during a community ministries night initiated an unforeseen outreach for a West Michigan congrega
In Cary, Miss., more than 300 infants have been blessed with baby afghans crocheted by Anna Spender.
Conservative Christians in Canada are expressing cautious optimism about the outcome of the Jan. 23 federal election.
Calls Extended
From Georgetown (Ont.) Christian Reformed Church to Rev.
When heavy rains hit California at the end of 2005, most people escaped destructive flooding of their homes.
Public TV doesn’t often focus on the Bible, but one Christian Reformed Church member has been instrumental in changing that in the
As the effects of Hurricane Katrina filled TV screens, people across North America mobilized to help survivors.
What started out 14 years ago as a Christian school for missionaries’ kids in Managua, Nicaragua, has grown to include a major Bibl
When members of Spring Lake (Mich.) Christian Reformed Church arrived for worship Nov. 13, guards met them at the church doors.
While Christian Reformed cyclists spent last summer pedalling from one Canadian coast to the other in the Sea to Sea bike tour, Ken Morro
Meadowvale Community Christian Reformed Church, Mississauga, Ontario, rang in 2006 with 24 hours of continuous worship.
Rev. David Engelhard, 64, passed away Dec. 22, after a 10-month battle with brain cancer. He died peacefully, surrounded by his family.
Ferrysburg (Mich.) Community Christian Reformed Church recently commissioned a local artist to create a 4-by-5-foot mosaic. Rev.
In late 2004 Ellie King faced daily dialysis as her kidneys increasingly deteriorated.
Religious advocates have developed guidelines to help major retailers steer children away from video games containing vi
“The Council of First Christian Reformed Church, Toronto… resolve[s] to acknowledge the CRC guidelines with respect to homos
Christian churches in Egypt, a predominantly Muslim country, will be able to carry out long-delayed facility repairs thanks to a recent d
Celebr8, a singing octet from Covenant Christian Reformed Church, Winnepeg, Manitoba, raised more than $4,000 for the Christian Reformed
Joanne Soodsma, librarian at Sioux Center (Iowa) Christian School, dreamed of a time line in her library.
It’s been nearly 150 years since the Christian Reformed Church of North America was born after parting ways with the Reformed Churc