Officers represent not only ethnic and gender diversity, but also diversity in experience.
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to
Rev. Mark Verbruggen led in opening worship for Synod 2015.
Laotian refugee invites one of his Minnesotan sponsors to see God’s work in his life.
Van Dyk was one of the first women to earn an M.Div. from Calvin Theological Seminary.
Freedom Session in Kingston is helping people deal with brokenness in their lives.
And probably some stuff you don’t care about!
The Blessing of the Bikes is helping churches make climate change a local issue.
Neil and Mike van Steekelenburg in Beamsville, Ont., welcome the king and queen of the Netherlands.
Canadian Ministries Director Darren Roorda and others deliver statement on behalf of the church.
The congregation at St. Albert CRC helped Joel and Amanda Kleine move into an award-winning, barrier-free home.
The committee also recommends a new ecumenical affiliation with more conservative Reformed churches.
Los Angeles pastors are part of a peer learning group.
Oakdale Park CRC in Grand Rapids, Mich., has evolved as its neighborhood changed.
Statements from three mission agencies and two more overtures are headed to Synod 2015.
Teens hear seniors’ stories of God’s faithfulness.
“Our hearts have become deeply bound to people on the other side of the globe.”
Meeting at the All Ontario Youth Convention venue inspires support for youth ministry.
It was the 40th annual meeting of what has become the CRC’s largest annual event
Sixteen-year-old siblings make profession of faith in Lamont.
Twenty-five youth ministry leaders signed the “Chicago Covenant” after a two-day meeting in April.
Sunday school children of Sonlight CRC raised $100,000.
Role for young adults is patterned after their representation at synod.