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Our Shared Ministry
Mixed Media
- 2010 Synod:Who Came to Synod-Ethnic Advisers
- An Auspicious Moment
- Synod 2010: Belhar Thumbs-Up from RCA
- Synod 2010: Biennial Youth Summit Proposed
- Synod 2010: Board of Trustees Must Connect Better to Churches
- Synod 2010: By the Numbers
- Synod 2010: Candidates for Ministry Approved
- Synod 2010: Church Order Revised, Not Rewritten
- Synod 2010: CRC to Strengthen Advocacy for Unborn
- Synod 2010: Creation and Science Teaching Restriction Lifted
- Synod 2010: Disappointed Again with Diversity Efforts
- Synod 2010: Ecumenical Relations Committee Gets Interfaith Mandate
- Synod 2010: Executive Director Cites CRC’s Joys, Challenges
- Synod 2010: First-Time Officers
- Synod 2010: Greetings from Canadian Council of Churches
- Synod 2010: In Our View: It Was a Quiet Week in Palos Heights
- Synod 2010: John Oosterhof, The Mayor of Synod
- Synod 2010: Looking Forward to Revised Form of Subscription
- Synod 2010: Medenblik Appointed Seminary President
- Synod 2010: Michigan Churches Not Allowed to Join Distant Classis
- Synod 2010: Ministry Share for 2011-How Our Dollars Support CRC Ministry
- Synod 2010: More Time Needed for Creed Revisions
- Synod 2010: Moving Toward Communion without Profession of Faith
- Synod 2010: New Chaplaincy Director Introduced
- Synod 2010: No Time to Talk
- Synod 2010: Ode to an Elder Delegate
- Synod 2010: Reaching Out to Undocumented Workers
- Synod 2010: Rev. Henry De Moor-Synod’s Senior Statesman Retires
- Synod 2010: Strengthening Ministry to Abuse Victims
- Synod 2010: Synod Headed to Canada in 2012
- Synod 2010: Synod Mischief
- Synod 2010: Task Force to Explore Role of Deacons
- Synod 2010: Task Force to Look at Climate Change
- Synod 2010: The 㽶Ƶ Team
- Synod 2010: The Synodical Worship Service
- Synod 2010: Troll Humor
- Synod 2010: Who Came to Synod-Couples Serving Together
- Synod 2010: Who Came to Synod-Mothers & Fathers, Sons & Daughters
- Synod 2010: Who Came to Synod-Oldest Delegates
- Synod 2010: Who Came to Synod-Youngest Delegate
- Synod 2010: Why Increase Ministry Share Now?
- Synod 2010: Women in Office Argument Not Re-Opened
- Synod 2010: Young Adults to Advise Synods
- Synod 2010: Youth Ministry Plan Presented